Hello, I’m known online as Rowan!
I am a Computer Science graduate, specializing in embedded IoT development with microcontrollers. Been programming for around four years, mostly having experience with C and C++, as well as Python. I also have backend development experience with Java using the Springboot Framework. Currently, I’m learning fullstack web3 development with the Solana blockchain using Rust and Typescript.
I like building things for the sake of building them, regardless of its practical value–assuming it actually works. I’m always open to learning, and am willing to try anything and everything.
Software that I use
Besides daily driving Void Linux, I also use these following projects:
- Neovim - My text editor of choice
- Doxygen - My goto documentation generator
- AwesomeWM - An extensible window manager, and my WM of choice.
- PlatformIO - Development platform for embedded devices
- Kitty - Terminal emulator